
The 危险废物处置 section includes the following topics.


以达到符合现有的法律法规管理的存储, 运输, and disposal of hazardous waste, 人力资源厅安全厅已实施下列程序. By following these procedures, you will aid the University, 你的部门, and yourself in achieving compliance with the laws governing these matters. These procedures will be updated as developments warrant.



Proper disposal of waste chemicals is a continuing concern across the nation. 人力资源安全办公室为校园社区管理一个受控有害物质废物管理服务, which is in accordance with all applicable Federal and State guidelines. 以下程序的设计,使这项服务顺利和有效地为所有相关方.


All chemicals or chemical product waste, regardless of how innocuous it may be considered, 除非事先通过审查材料安全数据表并与安全办公室联系获得许可,否则不得倒入排水管或丢弃在垃圾桶中.

All waste must be placed and stored in compatible glass, 金属, or heavy plastic containers with a sealable lid. 负责产生废物的部门负责提供废物清除容器. 使用过的试剂容器是允许的,只要原始标签被移除或充分污损(如果不再合适)。. Under no circumstances are corrosive materials, such as acids and alkalis, to be placed into a 金属 container. When in doubt, review the Material 安全 Data Sheet for disposal procedures.

Each waste container is to be labeled WASTE. 此外,在这个标签上应该写第一次积累的日期和确切的内容. Chemical names should be fully written. Abbreviations or structural formulas are not acceptable. Labels with general wording such as "organic waste" are UNACCEPTABLE. If a container holds a mixture of chemicals, 每种化学品所代表的适当百分比必须清楚地标示在标签上. The amount of water within the container shall also be noted on the label. UNKNOWN CONTENTS ARE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE GENERATING DEPARTMENT. ANALYSIS COSTS FOR UNKNOWN(S) WILL BE CHARGED BACK TO THE GENERATING AREA.

Chemicals, which are used separately, should be collected separately as waste. IMPORTANT - Chemicals from different hazard classes should not be mixed together. The following are examples, not all inclusive lists:

  1. 非氯化溶剂(甲醇和乙酸乙酯)与氯化溶剂(氯仿和二氯甲烷).
  2. 可燃物(乙醇、吡啶)与毒物(氰化物、苯胺)或腐蚀剂(硫酸).
  3. 氧化剂(硝酸和硝酸钠)与可燃物(丙酮和甲苯)或腐蚀剂(盐酸和铬酸)或毒物(苯胺和醋酸汞).

遵守这一程序可使各部门回收部分这类废物. All waste should be properly stored in the work place or labs (not in offices, 走廊, 教室, 等.) so that it is not mistaken for trash or used as virgin chemical. 临时废物储存区域应以明显的方式贴上标签,以便安全办公室人员可以轻松识别在危险物品提取期间要采取的措施.

Questions regarding any of the above can be directed to the 安全 Office at ext. 4897.



  1. 对于构成直接危及生命的危险或可能危及生命的情况的材料,将根据需要进行紧急拾取.
  2. Regular chemical pickups will be made every 90 days.
  3. 提交一份要领取的材料清单,包括地点和具体名称信息.
  4. Chemicals will be picked up from the location where they are stored. 通常, 除非事先有其他安排,否则实验室人员必须在接机当天到场.



Under current State and Federal regulations, 所有危险废物的容器必须有一个标有“危险废物”字样和容器内容物的标签. “危险废物”预印标签可通过x4897与安全办公室联系获取. The generator of the waste must fill in the following information as indicated:

  • 开始堆积日期:月/日/年第1卷废物被放入容器.
  • Contents: Name of any chemical(s) placed in the container. The chemical name is required by law to be written in legible English (i.e. Methanol or Methyl Alcohol). Chemical formulae, symbols and abbreviations are not acceptable (i.e., MEOH, Ch20).

重要的是要保持一份准确的、最新的化学成分清单. 除了, if the contents consist of more than one chemical, estimated percentages must be included (i.e. Methanol (10%), Ethanol (80%), Pyridine (10%). If all the information cannot be included on this label, it is permissible to attach to the container a list of the chemicals, 包括百分比, along with the hazardous waste label. Where content is pre-printed on the sticker, write in "see attached list". If you have any questions, contact the 安全 Office at x4897.



根据《澳门赌城官方网站》(RCRA)的重新授权.S. 国会要求每个受管制有害物质(危险废物)的产生者提供废物最小化计划. 其目的是减少废物处理和协助保护土地资源. 因此, 以下程序已纳入澳门十大赌城官方网站,以实现遵守废物最小化的要求. If there are any questions, contact the 安全 Office at x4897.

  1. Only dispose of those items that are contaminated with chemicals (i.e., non-contaminated solid debris, water, 等. should be disposed of as nonhazardous waste). Empty chemical containers, 除了农药, can be disposed of in the same manner as non-hazardous refuse.
  2. If chemicals are used separately, they should remain separate as waste.
  3. 不要将非卤化溶剂与卤化溶剂混合(如果单独保存)。, since these can be recycled for beneficial reuse.
  4. Try to recycle old virgin chemicals. This can be accomplished by circulating fliers throughout the building/departments. 不回收醚, 二氧六环, 四氢呋喃或者其他形成过氧化物或者老化后可能发生爆炸的化学品,或者其他明显变质或者在破损容器中的化学品.
  5. Only purchase chemicals in the quantities you would realistically expect to use. Excess chemicals only add to the University's future disposal costs.
  6. 只使用容量与产生的废物量相当的容器(例如.e., do not use a one gallon sized container for one pint of waste).
  7. When appropriate, less hazardous substances should be utilized in experiments, 等. (i.e.,胡萝卜素/乙二醇用于甲醛,洗涤剂/水用于铬酸玻璃清洗).



废弃油漆和油漆相关溶剂可能对环境和地下水系统有害, 也有火灾隐患, when handled improperly and disposed of incorrectly.

Determine if the paint is latex water based paint or is an oil-based paint. If the paint is latex based, it is not a hazardous waste. 乳胶水性涂料可以在普通的废物处理容器中处理. 原容器必须清空所有液体,油漆产品必须固化. 打开乳胶水基容器,让油漆固化,而不仅仅是“覆盖表面”。. Once the paint is solid throughout, it may be disposed of.

油基涂料和溶剂是有害废物,必须通过人力资源安全办公室妥善处理. Oil based paints and solvents such as turpentine, turpex, 二甲苯, 甲苯, 矿物酒精和类似产品应收集在一个散装容器(金属五加仑型),以尽量减少处置成本.

容器应放在通风良好的地方,没有明火、热源和火花. 油基涂料的大量废弃是由生产部门(个别部门)负责的, solvents and by products. When bulk containers are full, 请致电人力资源安全办公室,电话号码是x4897,预约危险物品的接送. The container shall be labeled with the type of contents.



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